Leading gold producer with a diversified portfolio across
West Africa

We are proud of our reputation as a leader in safety and sustainability, as well as the prosperity we bring to our employees, their families and the communities in which we operate. Here is how we do it


Kubi Gold’s mission is to build a high quality, easy to understand business – one that generates superior long-term returns for our shareholders, creates a great place to work for our employees, and contributes positively to the communities in which we operate.

Mining Sites and Office Operations


 We are committed to partnering with our other countries and communities to transform their natural resources into tangible benefits and mutual prosperity. We prioritize local hiring and our highly diversified workforce is drawn almost entirely from our host nations and equipped with world-class skills.


Build a growing, high-quality, low risk, sustainable business to deliver on performance and growth expectations: Ensure our existing portfolio delivers on expectations, lowers operational risk and generates free cash flow.

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